Ready to Turn the Career You Have into the Career You Want?

The Career Success Lab will help you know your strengths, choose your purpose, tell a powerful career story, update your resume, network like a pro, nail the interview, and confidently negotiate.

You’re good at what you do.

Yet you find yourself tasked with a lot of things that were never part of your career plan.

You wonder if this is just how it is for everyone - or is there another way to build a great career?

I want you to know - there IS another way.

And you deserve a career that’s:


Without feeling stressed or anxious every day.


Without burning out and having to run for the hills the minute the 6-month “Honeymoon Phase” is over.


Without feeling guilty or unsure of how to ask for that raise or promotion you know you deserve.

Is That Too Much To Ask?

 You're Not Alone.

Based on Our Research Here's What We Found.


“Less than 50% of employees trust their companies.”

Harvard Business Review


"Only 32 percent of workers said they were ‘completely satisfied’ with the amount of on-the-job stress they face.”

2021 Gallup Survey


“Only 38 percent were satisfied by their pay.”

2021 Gallup Survey

It's no wonder that so many smart career-driven people are questioning their work choices, which often leads to a...

Career Identity Crisis

This crisis arises when you've worked hard to gain experience and skill to do great work, only to be overwhelmed and feel unfulfilled when you finally get the coveted position.

Symptoms Include:

  • Struggling to understand why you’re secretly miserable in a job that, on paper, checks all the boxes.

  • Constantly job-seeking, hoping this will be “the one” where you’re finally seen, valued and promoted for your talents.

  • Feeling lost because none of the opportunities you’ve been given seem to fill this gaping career-shaped hole, and you’re always left wondering, “is this it?

  • Experiencing confusion about how to best network internally, so you are considered for the next big opportunity.

  • Riding the daily emotional rollercoaster from “wow, I love my job!” at 9 am to “get me out of here!” by the end of the day.

But don’t worry, the prognosis for a career you feel great about is good...

On the other side of every good identity crisis is clarity, direction, and the possibility of a totally different life. 

You just need someone to help get you there. 

Enter Me, Jill D. Griffin.

The person who will help you get out of this identity crisis without quitting everything

I'm your Multiple Award-Winning Career Strategist, Change Strategist, and Free Executive Coach

I have a lifetime of experience in some of the biggest companies in the world like Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Martha Stewart, and Samsung.

I love my career now, but it took my own crisis to get here... 

Just as my career was taking off, I had an accident that left me with a brain injury and cognitive impairment, making what I once excelled at - feel nearly impossible. 

Determined to not let that stop me, I took matters into my own hands, working with my brain injury and leaning into my strengths.

I used everything I learned to design the blueprint this whole program is based on and help hundreds of clients design and own their career trajectory to have a fulfilling and purposeful career.

All that to say, I’ve not only survived a brain injury, I’ve been in the arena; hiring, firing, managing, and winning with a team - not just watching from the sidelines.

And, yeah, in the process I’ve also sat across the table from former President Barack Obama and Oprah herself.

Serving Clients at:

  • The Amazon Logo
  • The Facebook Logo
  • The Disney Logo
  • Jill is an absolute joy to talk to, confide in, and take risks with. I've known Jill for years via our respective roles in the media industry and she was always the consummate professional that balanced knowledge, leadership, and insight with warmth and curiosity. I recently started working with Jill in her career coaching capacity and was simply blown away. Her balance of insightful personal exploration, mindfulness, and her own personal/professional journey was instrumental in changing how I approach my career, values, and overall satisfaction. Jill is an absolute joy to talk to, confide in, and take risks with."

    -Sky Holden, Vertical Manager, Global Business Solutions, TikTok

  • “Jill has that rare combo of brilliance in both subject matter and ability to help others achieve. As a coach, she's thoughtful, compassionate, and insightful and I feel lucky to have her in my corner as I launch a new venture.”

    Lizzy Klein
    Entrepreneur and Founder of mazi + zo

  • Jill stands out as being one of those people that you meet during your career that leaves a lasting favorable impression. I have learned so much from Jill from leadership skills to creating strong internal and external relationships. Jill is extremely easy to work with and an amazing mentor. She always knows how to make you feel better and is great at coaching you through tough situations. I would recommend Jill to any company, team and client. I can’t say enough about her and how amazing she truly is.”

    — Lauren Wormser, Partner, Communications Planning Director at MediaCom

  • Her openness and dedication to me… improved so many aspects of not only my work-life, but also my personal-life. Jill was one of few female leaders in media when I started in the industry. She was a role model then, and is even more so now after getting to work with her as a career coach. Jill helped me navigate the complexities of working with a family start-up, immediately identified all the thought errors that were limiting me, and asked hard & insightful questions to help me reframe them. Her openness and dedication to me as a coaching client improved so many aspects of not only my work-life, but also my personal-life. Simply put, Jill is the best!”

    -Laurie Feld, CMO at Fresh Patch

And now you can have my course in your back pocket as you navigate the corporate battlegrounds in…

Career Success Lab Course

Be confident and Clear No Matter Where You Work.

Know your strengths, choose your purpose, tell a powerful career story, update your resume, network like a pro, nail the interview, and confidently negotiate.

You’ll be able to:

Know How to use your strengths in any situation.

Understand your values and how they align with company culture and leadership. 

Get clarity on your career purpose and motivation.

Craft compelling career stories.

Elevate your resume and LinkedIn profile.

Master interview and networking skills.

Leverage the latest negotiation tips.

Set goals and make decisions faster.

Career Success Lab Course isn’t based on arbitrary steps. 

lt’s based on my foundational framework with principles that will serve you for life.…

Your Career Strategy Blueprint

1. Your Career Identity

The antithesis of the Career Identity Crisis - because who needs more ambiguity and uncertainty in their life? (Answer: no one) 

You’ll learn your strengths and leverage your Gallup Strengths to understand your reactions, decision-making tendencies, skills, and talents—like a Tarot card reading of your corporate future.

You’ll walk away knowing:

  • Your Skills that are worth declaring and developing (so you can pursue the ones that motivate and energize you instead of draining you and leading to burnout).

  • Your Values and Rules of Reciprocation in order to know if you’re in alignment with your team and desired position or not (so you know when to let things go, when to stand your ground, and when to look outside your job for what you need.)

2. Talents In Action

Okay, you know your Strengths, experiences and innate talents… Now what?

Through the content modules, you’ll put those hard and essential skills to work to position yourself as the perfect candidate for the job you want and navigate the trajectory you’ve designed.

You’ll walk away knowing:

  • How to define your Purpose to guide your career, well-being, and how you choose to show up in your workplace, community, and relationships.

  • The Career Stories (and story banks) that speak to your talents and allow others to understand how you fit in and serve the mission (and providing evidence for what you’re capable of achieving - whether you see it or not.)

3. Job Exploration

Once you're clear on your Career Identity and Talents, you’ll move into Exploration.

You’ll walk away with:

  • Elevated Resume In order to navigate today’s job market you’ll need a resume that tells your story and is optimized for the Application Tracking Software (ATS). You’ll get an array of templates and keywords plus AI tools, so you can build the best resume for your next chapter and know you are leading excellently.

  • Job Search, Networking, and Interview Tips: Navigate your future opportunities and positions to find what’s next and network confidently.

  • Templates and Scripts for Written Correspondence and Negotiation Tips: know what to say and how to say it with a pool of scripts and templates.

Develop the confidence you need to secure your future with a job that reflects your skills and who you are.

Included in the Career Success Lab:

Gallup® Cliftonstrengths34 Analysis 

17 Modules And Video Lessons, Plus Downloadable Worksheets and Resources

Monthly office hours to get your questions answered. Can't attend? Submit your question and watch the replay.

This doesn't have to be about finding a new job or career.

Many of my clients stay at their same company and increase their career well-being right where they are.

It's about you feeling full agency and confidence to build a career that feels excellent to you wherever you are.

Total Value: Priceless

Your Price: $349.00

Your Questions Answered

  • Great question, I love an action taker!

    As soon as you sign up you get access to the full course and find out your Gallup Strengths immediately.

  • We meet one Wednesday a month on at 1:00 PM EDT. Schedule published one month in advance.

    Can’t attend? You’ll be able to email questions and get a watch the replay with recorded response within 48 hours.

    All the recordings will be uploaded to the content portal so you can view them at your convenience.

  • If there’s one thing I know, it’s a demanding career. So, I totally understand this concern.

    I’ve made this really actionable, you’ll should dedicate 1 hour per week for the course work and self reflection, plus (2) 1-hour Office Hour calls.

  • Well, yeah! I will be doing all the Office Hours, so you can join live or submit questions and get responses uploaded to the content portal.

  • You'll get access to the program when you purchase, and you will have access to all the training and recordings for as long as the program is available.

Got Questions? We Got Answers.

Grab Some Time to Speak to Jill D. Griffin.

Schedule a call HERE


We spend 35% of our waking hours working…


(and let's be honest, when you are career-driven, that number can easily creep up)


How do you want to spend your 35%?

Constantly waiting for the weekend so you can start your ‘real life’?

Or enjoying that 35% of your time in a career that’s fulfilling, rewarding, and *gasp* enjoyable…

So you don’t spend the other 65% of your time recovering from that 35%.

The choice is yours